REHMAT WHEAT PRODUCTS PRIVATE LIMITED is an FSSC 22000 and HALAL certified organization that was established on December 19, 2017. The company acquired the Rehmat Roller Flour Mills business on March 1, 2018. It was founded in 1962 and continued to operate till it was converted to Rehmat Wheat Products Private Limited.
The company is, therefore, the founders of the well-known “Yadgar Atta” trademark and enjoys a well-established reputation among Pakistani flour mills. Since its inception, REHMAT WHEAT PRODUCTS PVT LTD, formerly REHMAT ROLLER FLOUR MILLS, has concentrated its efforts on the production of safe and high-quality wheat products.
The processing facility is located at 19 Kacha Ravi Road, Lahore, Pakistan. The production facilities are equipped with Buhler flour mill technology and dedicated personnel who strive to enhance the business in order to fulfill the increasingly diverse demands for efficient marketing of high-quality products.
The company’s production capacity is 400 metric tonnes per day. In all departments, the company benefits from the services and experience of globally and nationally qualified and skilled individuals, and has implemented an ongoing training process (Food Safety Systems, Halal, instrument operations, etc.) to increase their work capabilities.